Hello my friend welcome to my blog EXPOSENEWSINDIA.BLOGSPOT.COM .Thank you for
Today i want to share you top 10 thing you should know about Google.We all know what is google
and what is for.Google was found on 1998 by Larry page And sergey Brin while they were doing PhD at sand ford University California .so without any delay lets talk about this top 10 thing .
image source google |
1.Google was initially funded by an August 1998 contribution of $100,000 from Andy Bechtolsheim, co-founder of Sun Microsystems; the money was given before Google was incorporated. then few more people contribute in google.in 1999 Larry page And Sergey Brin decided to sell google to Excite in 1 Million but excite company owner reject the offer .and rest is history google present market capital is 649 Billion and excite company is vanish .Yahoo also lose google .
2.all over World Every minute 2 million search made by people .
3. Google is most visited site all over the world then youtube and next is facebook.
4.Google gets his name by mistake .the founder misspelled Googol which refer the number 1 what followed by 100 Zero.
5.google has been acquiring 2 company per month since 2010
6.The first ever Google Doodle was a Burning Man stick figure that came out on August 30, 1998
It came about when Larry and Sergey visited the Burning Man Festival in Nevada. It was added to the homepage to let users know they were out of office and couldn't fix technical issues like a server crash.
7.Larry & sergey have private planes have lading runway in NASA .where no other
company private plane does not permission to landingimage source Google |
9.Google rents Goat for mow green grass on google HQ lawn .
10. I'm Feeling Lucky Button of google search engine its help you to go direct on website which post you want search .no need to click any website .
image source Google |