In present Day Every  website  owner make money more than a public or Govt sector  employee.Today we discus about this topic that how website owner make money from website .
In this day every person who need some information about some topic people started search on google for solution and google provide solution thorough website which is made by many common people .first we discuss that what google benefit for provide information to you with no cost .actually google have some website own but rest of created by common people like you and me. They created those website for share their thought and experience and we also search for those solution which we need . 
Let me understand you through an example-
spouse you need some information about particular subject   like How to make a website ? if want to make a website you need a basic training  about coding .in training you need to join some courses in some institute .But Now days you can take any information and you can learn anything using internet you not to need spend any amount of money .so if search on Google for how to make a website  .Google provide you lots of site where you can learn anything.

When done your search google give you  many website list where you can get your solution.But The question is why this website give you free solution now days Govt school not give you free any thing then why this people waste their time and money .
The answer  is  very amazing when those website owner build or make their website they need to lose some bit of money by making website  but this one time investment plan.after there website creation they started writing solution which people want to search on google and bingo.when any people vistied any website their you can find lots of Ads of company  

You can see this type of ads on website when you visited  any website.this ads are make website owner  rich .so how this ads come .this ads are publish by some internet ads publisher company like Google Adsence  actually google adsence is the biggest ads publisher company this why lots of website owner send their application for approved their website for showing ads of company .once they got approved .they has successfully placing company ads .when people come to their website site its give money to website owner .the more people visited their website the more money they earn ..its called traffic .when they want to need money which they earn from their website  google adsence make bank transfer  and deposit their money on the website bank account ..
i hope you can understand what i want to explain to you

If not this is some picture which explain how its works

Once people click on those ads money submitted on their  google adsence account
